Our Vision

To help Shirehampton become a rich and fulfilling place to live, work and play.

Our Mission is to create an inspiring community hub that supports the local community and stakeholders through a range of life enhancing opportunities.

Our History

The Port of Bristol Social and Sports Club was established in 1967 and has been in operation since. The Port of Bristol Sports & Community Hub has operated as an unincorporated membership club until our last AGM in 2019. At the AGM it was unanimously agreed by vote to change articles and the club into a charity, as encouraged by Bristol City Council in the pursuance of a long term lease and a Community Asset Transfer.

As the name suggests, the club was created to act as a social and sports club. It primarily served the workers at the Port of Bristol and Bristol City Council staff. The Port was originally owned by the City of Bristol Local Authority, therefore the council and the port as employers were seen as one.

After the sale of the Port to the Bristol Port Company in 1991, Port of Bristol Sports and Community Hub remained in the ownership of Bristol City Council but was run on day-to-day basis by a committee of volunteers. When the number of docker employees fell the committee expanded membership to local people, mainly from surrounding wards (Avonmouth, Shirehampton, Lawrence Weston, Sea Mills and Southmead).

Most recently Port of Bristol Sports and Community Hub has recently begun its evolution into a place for residents of all demographics to socialise, partake in a range of sports and relax from the pressures of life in general.